News 2019


On Saturday, the 30th March, at 5 pm, there will be an event in support of immigrants, organized by the Xclu.e.s Collective that has been fighting against social exclusion since [...]


On Saturday, the 30th March, at 7 pm at the RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology – in the framework of the “Crossing Boarders” Festival screening of Tumaranké. 


On Friday, the 22nd March, at the University of Tor Vergata, in an auditorium where there were plenty of students and teachers, they presented the movie “Tumaranké”


Tumaranké comes back again in Paris. It will be screened on Monday March the 4th at “La Colonie” auditorium. This will be followed by a debate on the reception of unaccompanied minors in France and in Italy. 


We are glad to announce that Morr Ndiaye, a young Gambian who played an active role in the Re-Future project, was selected among the 12 speakers that will take part in TEDxYouth held on February, the 23rd at the Auditorium della Conciliazione.


On the 21st and 22nd January, at the “Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione” of the University of Florence, there will be an international conference on “Sguardi sulla città - Filmare il paesaggio urbano come esperienza multiculturale e multidentitaria (Sights on the [...]


On January the 16th, at the Nuovo Eden cinema in Brescia, at 8:30 pm they will present Tumaranké. This evening event is organized by the “Celeste” association under the patronage of the Municipality of Brescia and with [...]

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